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#211 Japanese learning audiobook and shaved ice(かき氷)

Hello. Welcome to Jenni's Pika Pika Japanese.

Today's Japanese learning is about 10 Minute JAPANESE A Starter Pack.

This is an audiobook that allows you to study Japanese in your daily spare time without any difficulty. Please make use of it.

Last week, I introduced places you might want to visit such as Shikoku, Naraijuku, and Hakuba, but today, I would like to introduce something popular in Japan from now on.

It is shaved ice. Shaved ice is made by shaving or crushing ice into small pieces and pouring syrup over the top, and it is the best during the hot summer season.

Shaved ice used to be a simple, cold summer treat consisting of ice topped with sweet syrup, but now it has become a fashionable sweet treat decorated in a variety of ways and posted on Instagram.

So I googled some of the most stylish shaved ice in Tokyo, and here are some of them.

こんにちは。 ジェニのピカピカ日本語へようこそ。

今日の日本語学習は 10 Minute JAPANESE A Starter Packのご紹介です。

毎日の隙間時間を利用して日本語を無理なく学習できるオーディオブック です。 ぜひ活用して下さい。





オーディオブックスタンド Audible : Google Books : Rakuten kobo : DCEC NIHONGO CENTER :

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