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DCEC NC Web Cafe 日本のコスプレについて日本語で話そう ”With the Theme of Cosplay”


DCEC NC Web Cafe 日本のコスプレについて日本語で話そう 

”With the Theme of Cosplay” 

August 26th (Monday) 20:00-21:00(Philippine Time)


DCEC NC connects foreigners who want to learn Japanese with Japanese who are learning English, creating opportunities to talk about Japan in Japanese together.

At the same time, we provide Japanese participants who want to speak live English with foreigners with the opportunity to enjoy speaking English by speaking with them in English.

This time, we will talk about cosplay in Japanese. Most foreigners who want to learn Japanese first became interested in learning Japanese when they watched Japanese anime.

We believe that this theme will attract many such anime-loving foreigners.

There is no charge for participation, so if you want to talk with Japanese people in Japanese, why don't you talk with Japanese people about Japanese anime and cosplay?

We look forward to your participation.

Those whose applications have been accepted will be sent a ZOOM meeting room for the day of the event.


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